We are thankful for the generosity and faithfulness of the givers at the River Church.

Your generosity empowers the message to be shared, community to be touched and the maturing of the saints to continue. Each week, as we receive the offering, we say together a confessional declaring our faith in God, our obedience to His Word, and the blessings associated with Christian living, which includes generous giving.

The confessional may change from week to week, to align with what the Lord is doing in the current hour.

Below is a compilation of the confessionals we use from week-to-week.

Tithe & Offering Confessional

Thank You, Almighty God! My great and mighty deliverer.

You have delivered me out of the Kingdom of darkness and translated me into the Kingdom of Christ. You have brought me out of bondage and into freedom, out of lack and into abundance, out of sin and into wonderful salvation.

You are the God who strengthens my right hand.

You open doors of blessing, that cannot be shut.

I am lead by your counsel. And received into glory.

(Is 45:1; Ps 73:23-24)

You are my Jehovah Jireh! You are my provider, My place of blessing (Gen 22:14)

You are the one who gives power to obtain wealth, (Deut 8:18)

You are my provider and you supply all my need according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 4:19)

I declare before you today,

that I have removed the holy tithe from my house and have brought it to the storehouse of the Lord,

in obedience to your word. (Deut. 26:13)

As I give, I give in the Macedonian way; freely with a heart filled with joy and thanksgiving.

(2 Corinthians 8: 1-8)

Today I give my tithe and offering freely, joyfully, cheerfully, and with heart of gratitude.

(2 Corinthians 9:7)

I give freely, displaying godliness over greed, and contentment over contention.

(1 Tim 6:3-9)

Remember me, Oh my God, concerning these matters,

and do not wipe out the good deeds that I have done for the house of my God,

and for her services!

Return the blessing of the Levites,

the priests and the singers!

(Neh. 13:10-14)

As we heap up our offerings to You,

bless your people with a great abundance, enough to eat,

and plenty left over. (2 Chronicles 31:10)

Today, I trust in the living God, who gives me richly all things to enjoy.

I delight in you, and You give me Godly desires. (1Tim 6:17; Ps 37:3-7)

Today I do good, I am rich in good works,

ready to give and willing to share!

(1 Timothy 6:17-19)

Now look down from your holy habitation, and continue to prosper and protect Your people

throughout the Merrimack Valley. (Deut. 26:15)

Rebuke the devourer for my sake so that our land and her fruit is not destroyed.

Open the window of heaven and pouring out such blessings that it cannot be contained.

(Malachi 3:10-11)

Prosper us in every good and righteous work, that I have more than enough to meet my needs,

the needs of the church, and the needs of others. (Ephes. 4:28)

I give, believing that You will enlarge my faith to become a pipeline for His provisions in my life,

for my household, and for my church.

(Romans 4:19-21)

I refuse to waste my God-given life with low living, small planning or faithless giving.

I strive to become all God has called me and equipped me to be. (Eph 2:10; Luke 21:1-4)

I give freely, displaying godliness over greed, and contentment over contention.

My belly is not my god, my shame is not my glory.

My citizenship is in Heaven.

(1 Tim 6:3-10; Phil 3:18-20)

As your eyes search the earth, find my heart pleasing,

and show your great power in helping me!

(2 Chronicles 16:9)

Today, as I give, I live my life not for the dot, which represents my time here on the earth,

but for the line, which represents my time in eternity!

(Mark 10:17,21)

We declare these things done and accomplished,

in the Mighty, Holy and Highly Exalted name of Jesus,


(Rev 22:21)